Friday, June 21, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Sunrises.......

Whether an Upstate Lake or Coastal view, each Sunrise offers its own unique beauty to the start of every new day....

    Burkes Beach, Hilton Head Island, SC

Coligny Beach, Hilton Head Island, SC

Nags Head, NC

                                                       Nags Head, NC

                                                      Folly Beach, SC

Nags Head, NC

Burkes Beach, Hilton Head Island, SC

Hunting Island State Park, SC

Upstate Lake in SC

Sands Beach, Port Royal, SC

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Rural Road Ramblings.......

My maternal grandfather had a large barn on his rural 30-something acre farm in SW Virginia ( at least it seemed huge to me as a small child), a barn that he kept his dairy cow with her calf, square hay bales for his small herd of Red Faced White Herefords, and farming equipment he parked in it.....As a 6 yr old I used to literally crawl under the hot barb wire fencing, pray that the bull wasn't able to see me, and run to hide within its cavernous gray boarded walls.....I would drink in the smell of his dairy cow, her sweet molasses feed, and the earthy sweet smell of freshly baled hay....I could amuse myself within that barn for hours playing with the calf, the chickens, and tormenting a nearby groundhog. And when I got tired, I would climb up into the hayloft, look out the dormer window to the misty blue mountains that surrounded the little town of Sugar Grove.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Whispers from The Past.......

Just about anywhere one lives, there is a country road waiting to be found...winding through forests and fields. Sometimes, when the light shines just right, you might find those special places to stop and wonder, what stories they could tell, if only they could talk.
It's a Brand New Day and So many New possibilities!!! Keep in touch with our travels on our FaceBook page...... Lynn Sloan Photography LLC!!!
Sunrise on Sands Beach, Port Royal, SC